American Senate propose Ban on uploading game content online

The American senate are trying to pass Bill S.978 under this bill it will be illegal to upload footage of games without permission , you could face  a hefty fine and up to five years in prison if you are found uploading content  without permission. Frankly I think this is appalling, I myself upload videos of games to my YouTube channel. This has caused quite an uproar in the gaming community, even the developer of the popular game Minecraft is against this bill, notch posted on his personal blog  “I love watching let’s plays and speed runs” he also went on to say “I suspect many game companies (including us) will add a special clause to the TOS specifically to allow posting videos of their games. A huge part of why Minecraft has grown so fast is the YouTube community.” Minecraft has grown a lot through lets plays from people like seananners and the yogscast if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have discovered Minecraft. What is your view of this bill post a comment below

By Robert Leat
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