Google Android Market reaches 4.5 billion downloads


Google’s Android Market has reach 4.5 billion downloads. But this is still 10 Billion behind Apple.  Google reached its billionth download a year ago , over the past  12 months Google has managed to generate a massive 3.5 billion downloads 

By Robert Leat
Site Founder

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MySpace Sold for £22million


The social networking website myspace was bought for £21million by Specific Media; this price is £41million less than its original price.  Justin Timberlake also bought a stake in the company, who recently starred in the movie The Social Network. A film about facebook.  The site was originally being sold for £61million but was only sold by News corp. for £22million, who were relieved to sell the site.  The site has been declining in popularity since 2008 due to competition from facebook and twitter. The site still remains popular with musicians and bands.

By Robert Leat
Site Founder 

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Google + vs Facebook


Google has unveiled a new project called Google + which they hope will compete with facebook.  Google + allows users to share Photos, messages and comments; maps and are also integrated into the service. Google claim it will allow users to organise their contacts more easily. Some people have said Google have just copied features from facebook c hat feature. Currently the feature has only been made available to a small number of users but will soon be available to everyone else.


LulzSec Disbanded

LulzSec's logo
Hackers group LulzSec has announced via a press release that they’re disbanding. The news comes after LulzSec’s pre planned 50 day attack on various companies including, Sony, Nintendo, Fox and PBS. The group said “Our planned 50 day cruise has expired” 
They also went on to say “For the past 50 days we've been disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and quite possibly everything in between, just because we could." LulzSec made the headlines with its attacks, the attacks highlighted holes in the security of companies.     

By Robert Leat
Site Founder and Editor 

CIA and FBI websites Hacked

LulzSec's logo

The CIA and FBI websites were hacked by a hackers group called LulzSec. Yesterday the hackers managed to DDoS (distributed denial of service) the CIA’s homepage; this also affected the FBI’s phone network in Detroit. LulzSec posted details of the hack on their twitter Tango down – CIA.Gov- for the lulz.". Was one of their tweets.

The US senate’s website has also been attacked according to reports but the group failed to breech the site. LulzSec has mainly targeted gaming websites, they hacked into eve online, minecraft , league of legends and 

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Written by Robert Leat
site founder

WWDC Keynote 2011 Summary

Yesterday Apple held their annual developers conference. Apple unveiled their new iCloud service which is basically a media streaming service; it syncs media and iTunes music to all iOS devices. The best part is that this service will be free of charge, it will replace Apple’s current Mobile Me service. iCloud allows you to wirelessly sync  photos, documents, apps and games to all of you iOS devices , Macs and PC’s. An interesting feature of the iCloud service is iTunes Match , which scans you music library , it will then log what songs you have and it will make these songs available for download on all your iOS devices ,  if the AAC files Apples’  iTunes store uses are higher quality than the files you have in iTunes it will automatically replace them with a 
higher quality version free of charge

Apple's iCloud service

Apple also unveiled iOS 5 which is the latest mobile operating system for all iOS devices. The beta is available   currently available to developers only, regular consumers will have access to the download later this autumn. The Changes include: Notification centre, a lot of  iOS users  complained about how push notifications interrupted whatever they were doing , forcing you to deal with the notification, the update removes this and instead replaces it with an android style pull down notification centre,    The camera launch time will be much faster, a lot of iOs device users complained about slow camera launch times ; Apple promised  much faster launch times. The volume up button will now double as a camera shutter; imaging focus has also improved with aperture lock and on photo editing. Apple has now Added iMessage an instant messaging service similar to the Blackberry service BBM.

Apple's iMessage service
The next Mac OSX called Lion was announced. The new features include:  Multi-touch gestures this  allows you to swipe between windows, view mission control , pinch to zoom; Full screen apps is another  feature added to Lion; Mission control which “brings together full screen apps , Dashboard, Exposé” and a new feature which allows you to get a “birds-eye view “  of everything on your system. For the full list of OSX features go here.

The Birds-eye view feature of Lion

By Robert Leat
(C) Robert Leat 2011

 Site Founder

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